Sibylle Peretti, Snow Child III, 2019. Glass. H 40, W 45, D 20 in. courtesy: huntsville museum of art
Thursday October 17, 2019 | by Jillian Cheney
Sibylle Peretti, Snow Child III, 2019. Glass. H 40, W 45, D 20 in. courtesy: huntsville museum of art
Thursday October 17, 2019 | by Jillian Cheney
Wednesday October 16, 2019 | by Jillian Cheney
Monday October 14, 2019 | by Eve Aaron
John Kiley & Dante Marioni, Leaf Halo, 2019. Blown and cut glass. H 15, W 13, D 14 in. courtesy: traver gallery
Thursday October 3, 2019 | by Jillian Cheney
Scenes from the 2017 Robert M. Minkoff Foundation Academic Symposium at UrbanGlass, where head of the RISD glass art department Rachel Berwick was the keynote speaker (top left).
Friday September 27, 2019 | by Andrew Page
Richard Marquis, Ruby Heart Teapot, 1980. Blown glass, murrine technique. H 5, W 6, D 5 in. courtesy: museum of glass
Thursday September 26, 2019 | by Jillian Cheney
Peter Bremers, Blue Elevated Space, 2019. Glass. H 39 1/4, W 22 1/2, D 6 1/4 in. courtesy: sandra ainsley gallery
Wednesday September 18, 2019 | by Jillian Cheney
Installation view of Erica Rosenfeld's newest work at Heller, including her Cake Light sculpture at left, and her "paint-by-number" assemblages.
Thursday September 12, 2019 | by Jillian Cheney
New York Times art critic Martha Schwendener also writes for Artforum, Art in America, and The New Yorker.
Thursday August 29, 2019 | by Andrew Page
Tuesday August 27, 2019 | by Andrew Page