Monday December 20, 2021 | by Lindsay von Hagn
Viewing articles by Lindsay von Hagn

Grand Prize | Rui Sasaki, Subtle Intimacy, 2019. H 84.0 W 44, D 1.4 cm. photo: ryohei yanagihara. courtesy: toyama international glass exhibition.
Tuesday September 7, 2021 | by Lindsay von Hagn
The Toyama International Glass Exhibition is expanding awareness and appreciation of the range of contemporary glass art
Friday July 2, 2021 | by Lindsay von Hagn
OPENING: Vermont Glass Guild's 10th anniversary exhibition

Using pre- and post-consumer glass recycled from their community, Bicycle Glass Co. creates sustainable lighting fixtures. courtesy: smithsonian craft optimism.
Thursday April 29, 2021 | by Lindsay von Hagn
Smithsonian's "Craft Optimism" virtual marketplace puts the focus on craft and sustainability
Tuesday April 20, 2021 | by Lindsay von Hagn
IN MEMORIAM: Dr. Robert Brill (1929 - 2021)

Crackled glass pitchers by Peter Greenwood hang from a tree in the Victorian Greenhouse at the Beardsley Zoo as part of his exhibition, "DAZZLE: A Garden of Glass". courtesy: beardsley zoo.
Thursday March 11, 2021 | by Lindsay von Hagn
Taking a page from Chihuly's botanical garden exhibitions, Peter Greenwood "dazzles" with installation at Connecticut zoo

"Precious Stonewall" series and "Stairs to Paradise" (2020), installation view. courtesy: kukje gallery.
Thursday January 21, 2021 | by Lindsay von Hagn
EXHIBITION: Jean-Michel Othoniel "New Works" created during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on view in South Korea
Wednesday December 23, 2020 | by Lindsay von Hagn
Corning's "Virtual Fireplace" is the perfect way to wind down 2020

During an online class session, RIT's glass students share portraits they drew of one another. courtesy: madeline rile smith.
Tuesday April 7, 2020 | by Lindsay von Hagn
Glass education goes online as universities remain closed for coronavirus distancing
Friday February 7, 2020 | by Lindsay von Hagn