
Viewing articles by Andrew Page

Thursday October 24, 2013 | by Andrew Page

Glass Art Society launches completely redesigned Website

FILED UNDER: Announcements, News
Founded in 1971, the Glass Art Society has grown in the more-than-four decades since it began as a semi-formal meeting of glassblowers at Penland, into a full-fledged nonprofit organization with a full-time staff and an office in Seattle, Washington. The scale of its annual get-togethers has grown as well, culminating in the 2012 GAS conference in Toledo when glass artists and aficionados from around the world gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Toledo Museum of Art workshops that many credit with launching Studio Glass. Aside from this year's canceled conference, the annual meeting of glass artists has been a key opportunity to check in with colleages, reconnect with old friends, and attend lectures and demonstrations that help advance the field technically and intellectually. With the launch of a completely redesigned Website, however, GAS has expanded beyond an organization primarily focused on its annual conference. Though it is charging ahead with its 2014 conference in Chicago next March, it has also overhauled its Internet presence with a just-relaunched Website that redefines its online presence as a place for artistic exchange as well as news and information. Among the key features are an expanded and redesigned member directory that showcases member artists' works to the general public as well as to fellow members, taking its impressive networking role into the digital realm.

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Sunday September 29, 2013 | by Andrew Page

BOOK REPORT: A look at Louis Comfort Tiffany’s use of Favrile glass in his art glass objects

FILED UNDER: Book Report

Though there are numerous books on the lamps, stained glass windows, and jewelry of Louis Comfort Tiffany, it is rare that the focus is on the art objects of the highly influential Art Nouveau artist and designer. The newly published book The Art Glass of Louis Comfort Tiffany (The Vendome Press, $75) addresses that.…

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Friday September 27, 2013 | by Andrew Page

Seattle benefit smashes fundraising goal for glassblowing family’s cancer fight

FILED UNDER: Events, News

Taking a page from the highly successful benefits that have raised millions for arts organizations, the Seattle glassblowing community put on a festive art-filled event to generate money to help the local glassblowing family of Paul Cunningham and Kate Thorbeck care for their 2-year-old son, Finn, who has been battling leukemia since a diagnosis eight months ago.…

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Glass: The UrbanGlass Quarterly, a glossy art magazine published four times a year by UrbanGlass has provided a critical context to the most important artwork being done in the medium of glass for more than 40 years.