
Viewing articles by Andrew Page

A cluster of origami cranes hang as a proof of concept for installation at Ruckus Gallery in Philadelphia. by Jeremy Grant-Levine. AKA Germ

Wednesday February 19, 2014 | by Andrew Page

OPENING: Retrospective exhibition for the late Kanik Chung in Brooklyn

FILED UNDER: Exhibition, Opening
An exhibition chronicling the career of the multimedia artist Kanik Chung (1968 - 2013) has been curated by Victoria Calabro and John West, in association with the late artist's sister, Ling-Fong Chung. Featuring drawings on paper, sculpture, video, paintings, and glass, the exhibition entitled "Does Everything End in a Lamp!" will open on March 6th in DUMBO, Brooklyn, with an evening reception, and continue through March 27, 2014.

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Thursday February 13, 2014 | by Andrew Page

CALL FOR ENTRIES: Semester-long artist residency at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

An almost four-month artist residency (August 18th through December 12th) invites a professional artist working primarily with hot glass to work on campus and use the studio for the entire Fall 2014 semester. The Artist in Residence program is designed to "promote a vibrant creative environment in the SIU Glass program." During the Residency the artist will focus on his or her own projects and are invited to all aspects of academic activities in the program including reviews, critiques, demonstrations, collaborations, and working side by side with students in the glass studio. The Artist in Residence will have an exhibition on the SIU campus with the outcome of the residency toward the end of the term.

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Wednesday February 12, 2014 | by Andrew Page

3 Questions for ... Charlotte Potter

FILED UNDER: Artist Interviews
As  program director and manager of the Glass Studio at the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virgnia, Charlotte Potter somehow manages to balance all the responsibilities of running a thriving glass center with visiting artists, residencies, and a monthly program of curated performances using glass, and she also finds time to pursue her individual artist's practice. The Hot Sheet recently had the opportunity to interview Potter about her latest projects.

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Friday January 17, 2014 | by Andrew Page

OPENING: Two Brooklyn exhibits open this weekend featuring dangerously sharp glass

FILED UNDER: Exhibition, New Work, Opening
Two exhibitions opening this weekend in the New York City borough of Brooklyn employ the sharp edges of glass in service of very different artistic visions. In her installation and performance work entitled Always on Our Plate (2014) at Bushwick's Slag Gallery, artist Alexandra Ben-Abba investigates her complex feelings about the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Using the table set for a dinner party, Ben-Abba embeds images into the tableware, which is set with dishes as well as glass shards, chunks of stone, and cement. On Friday, January 17th, there will be a 7 PM performance in which a group of artists, curators and art critics consume a meal using these dangerous table settings as the forum for a conversation about identity and place. The exhibition continues through January 22, 2014. Not far away in the DUMBO neighborhood, Smack Mellon gallery will unveil a 48-foot-long menacing glass wall work made up of 7,200 painstakingly cut triangles of mirrored glass arranged into dangerously sharp points. The work of Robert Hickman will debut on Saturday, January 18th, and remain on view through March 2, 2014. "Although the work is fragile, it will cut you if you get too close," writes Hickman in his artist's statement about the work, which he calls "a cautionary tale of human interaction.”

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Thursday January 16, 2014 | by Andrew Page

HELP WANTED: GlassRoots seeks Program Director to lead at-risk youth program

FILED UNDER: Help Wanted
Since 2001, at-risk youth in and around Newark, New Jersey, have had a unique after-school option: glassblowing. GlassRoots has been offering educational programs for area teens since it was founded by Rutgers professor Pat Kettenring, who retired as executive director in 2010 after ten years leading the organization. Now, this leading at-risk youth program is seeking a new Program Director responsible for the planning, implementation and assessment of all educational and recreational programs. This includes the school-based, after-school, and public classes.

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Friday January 10, 2014 | by Andrew Page

OPENING: UrbanGlass spotlights work by recent graduates of M.F.A. programs

FILED UNDER: Events, Exhibition, Opening
Since 2004, UrbanGlass has been hosting a juried exhibition to highlight the best work by recent graduates of M.F.A. programs whose work features glass. The 2014 MFA exhibition will open on January 22nd in the Robert Lehman Gallery at the Agnes Varis Art Center at UrbanGlass in Brooklyn, New York. The four artists whose work will be featured are Melissa Athey (Virginia Commonwealth University); Sarah Briland (VCU); Weston Lambert (Tulane University); and Wil Sideman (Rochester Institute of Technology).

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133 Cover  Web
GLASS 133, Winter 2013 - 14

Tuesday December 17, 2013 | by Andrew Page

Hot off the Presses: GLASS 133, Winter 2013 - 14

FILED UNDER: Print Edition
The Winter 2013 - 14 edition of GLASS: The UrbanGlass Art Quarterly (#133) hit newsstands and subscriber mailboxes earlier this month. On the cover is Kazushi Nakada's 2005 work De-Fragment from his "Study Period" series. Inside, GLASS editor Andrew Page discusses Nakada's geographic and artistic journey from his native Japan to Europe, where he is currently a senior lecturer at the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture in Helsinki, Finland. For Nakada, who grew up in a family of ceramicists in Japan, the move to glass was a break with his lineage, but one undertaken for his sense of glass as a material with global reach. As he says in the interview: "Ceramics was always a local world. ... I thought that through these glass works, I could connect to the larger world."

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Tuesday December 3, 2013 | by Andrew Page

GALLERY: Scenes from the Jonathan Christie Memorial Event

FILED UNDER: Image Gallery, In Memoriam, News
Billed as "A Celebration of Jon's Life and Achievements," a memorial event took place at the Chihuly Boathouse on Sunday Oct 20th from 11 AM to 2 PM, where the Evelyn Room and Hot Shop were open to friends, family, and well-wishers honoring the memory of the late Jonathan Christie (1968 – 2013). Organized by Jonathan's father, David, the event also saw the launch of a 24-page book entitled Remembering Jon that includes a 9-minute DVD focusing on the evolution of Lyrical Light (2006). Weighing two tons, and made up of more than 300 individual glass horns, the large-scale public artwork is installed at a Jacksonville performing arts center and represents the pinacle of the late artist's output in terms of size and technical complexity. The video was edited down from the 60-minute documentary entitled "Glass Ceiling" that was produced by the local public television station in Florida.

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Thursday November 21, 2013 | by Andrew Page

Barry Friedman announces plans to retire, will close Chelsea gallery by March 2014

FILED UNDER: Announcements, News
The show of photographs by Michael Eastman currently on view at Barry Friedman Ltd, a major Chelsea gallery that has long represented artists working in glass as well as other materials, will be the last exhibition for this important venue for art. After close to a half-century of art dealing, gallery principal Barry Friedman will be retiring, though he will remain a partner in the adjacent gallery Friedman Benda also located at 515 West 26th Street , which will continue on as a major venue for contemporary art. The art dealer announced the end of his 48-year run as an active dealer during The Salon: Art + Design fair last week.

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Glass: The UrbanGlass Quarterly, a glossy art magazine published four times a year by UrbanGlass has provided a critical context to the most important artwork being done in the medium of glass for more than 40 years.