
Thursday March 6, 2014 | by Andrew Page

OPENING: Norwood Viviano mines the past in second solo exhibition at Heller Gallery

FILED UNDER: New Work, Opening

Opening this evening at Heller Gallery in New York City will be a solo exhibtion of recent glass works of Norwood Viviano entitled "Mining Industries." The second solo exhibition by the Alfred graduate (BFA) and Cranbrook Academy of Art (MFA, Sculpture), the exhibition features 11 rapid-prototyped cast-glass works based on the topography of three U.S. cities over time -- Detroit, Houston, and Seattle. By layering the present over previous topographies, these works seek to capture the growth or decay of each cities primary industries in hopes of sparking consideration of the ways of looking at change over time and its meaning, which is somewhat obscured by the process of layering.

In her catalog essay, Susie Silbert writes: “Today maps appear as impartial arbiters of the surrounding world. But theorists such as David Turnbull maintain that ‘maps should be seen as “knowledge spaces” constructed by specialists—politicians, scientists and geographers, mathematicians and cartographers—in service of a particularized point of view.’


Norwood Viviano
"Mining Industries"
Through April 12, 2014
Opening reception: March 6, 6 PM - 8 PM
Heller Gallery
303 Tenth Ave.@28th St.
New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212.414.4014

Glass: The UrbanGlass Quarterly, a glossy art magazine published four times a year by UrbanGlass has provided a critical context to the most important artwork being done in the medium of glass for more than 40 years.