Friday March 27, 2020 | by Farah Rose Smith
Viewing articles by Farah Rose Smith
Artist and curator Shelley Muzylowski Allen organized the "Invitation Glass Exhibition" coming up at Blue Rain in June.
Saturday March 21, 2020 | by Farah Rose Smith
A year in the making, June exhibition curated by Shelley Muzylowski Allen still on schedule at Blue Rain Gallery, depending on state of coronavirus crisis
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Events, Exhibition, New Work, Opening
Thursday March 19, 2020 | by Farah Rose Smith
INTERVIEW: A conversation with Sibylle Peretti, whose upcoming Heller Gallery exhibition has been moved online
FILED UNDER: Artist Interviews, Events, Exhibition, New Work, News, Opening, Public Art
Saturday March 14, 2020 | by Farah Rose Smith
Glass-art exhibition venues around the U.S. cancelling public programs or closing altogether to help stem spread of coronavirus

Siren, 2020. Skeleton model, Marble dust, Resin, Steel, fishing net. 64x28x18. photo courtesy: paul mutino
Friday March 13, 2020 | by Farah Rose Smith
Rachel Owens employs glass for museum installation in Connecticut that sifts specific historical site for exploration of identity, environment, and economics
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Events, Exhibition, News, On Other Blogs
Tuesday March 10, 2020 | by Farah Rose Smith
After the success of the 2019 GAS conference, St. Petersburg glass-art venues celebrate the "Glass Coast"
Wednesday March 4, 2020 | by Farah Rose Smith
CONVERSATION: Shayna Leib talks flow, glass, and movement
FILED UNDER: Artist Interviews, Exhibition, Image Gallery
Monday March 2, 2020 | by Farah Rose Smith
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: The Glass Virus Think Tank VI, with the theme "Relevance of Critical Making: Practice and Education," will take place this November in Amsterdam
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Call for Submissions, Events, News
Thursday February 27, 2020 | by Farah Rose Smith
Vermont glass-artist group to celebrate tenth anniversary with Toots Zynsky lecture and member exhibition
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Events, Exhibition
Tuesday February 25, 2020 | by Farah Rose Smith