Tuesday April 14, 2015 | by Emily Ma-Luongo
Viewing: Museums
Sunday April 12, 2015 | by Justyna Turek
OPENING: The touring “European Glass Experience” exhibit moves to Venice
Wednesday March 25, 2015 | by Emily Ma-Luongo
OPENING: The history and future of Danish glass art and design explored in museum exhibit
FILED UNDER: Events, Exhibition, Museums, Opening
Tuesday March 24, 2015 | by Andrew Page
The glorious new Corning wing pioneers the use of Gorilla Glass to make display cases disappear
FILED UNDER: Architecture, Design, Exhibition, Museums, News, Opening
Saturday July 26, 2014 | by Andrew Page
OPENING: Jim Loewer’s Asian-influenced bowls and vases featured in museum shop exhibit
FILED UNDER: Design, Exhibition, Museums, New Work, Opening
Thursday July 24, 2014 | by Elena Tafone
OPENING: Howard Ben Tré museum exhibition in Tacoma debuts this September
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Exhibition, Museums, News, Opening

Thursday July 3, 2014 | by Andrew Page
Chrysler Museum of Art announces new director to replace retiring William Hennessey
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Museums, News

Sunday June 29, 2014 | by Andrew Page
Corning Museum of Glass pushes back opening date for new contemporary wing
FILED UNDER: Design, Exhibition, Museums, New Work, News

Monday June 23, 2014 | by Elena Tafone
OPENING: Survey of contemporary glass debuts at Connecticut art museum
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Exhibition, Museums, News

Thursday June 5, 2014 | by Elena Tafone