Thursday January 14, 2016 | by Andrew Page
Viewing: Museums
Tuesday January 12, 2016 | by Andrew Page
HELP WANTED: Toledo Museum of Art seeks paid glass curatorial intern
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Help Wanted, Museums
Wednesday January 6, 2016 | by Andrew Page
OPENING: April Surgent exhibition debuts at the Museum of Northwest Art on Saturday
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Exhibition, Museums, New Work
Monday November 16, 2015 | by Andrew Page
Today is the 100th birthday of the iconic Coca-Cola bottle design

Thursday November 12, 2015 | by Andrew Page
MUSEUMS: Corning to unveil subversive jeweler’s Rakow Commision work today
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Award, Exhibition, Museums, New Work, News

Friday November 6, 2015 | by Sia Lenaburg
EXHIBITION: Medical glass takes center stage at Chicago’s International Museum of Surgical Science
FILED UNDER: Curiosities, Education, Exhibition, Museums
Wednesday October 7, 2015 | by Andrew Page
HELP WANTED: National Glass Centre in Sunderland, England, seeks new director
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Help Wanted, Museums
Friday October 2, 2015 | by Lindsay von Hagn
EXHIBITION: Museum of Glass unveils work made by soldiers and veterans in therapeutic program
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Education, Exhibition, Museums
Thursday September 17, 2015 | by Emily Ma-Luongo
OPENING: Katherine Gray’s “A Rainbow Like You” is a Feast for the Senses
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Exhibition, Museums, New Work, Opening
Wednesday September 16, 2015 | by Andrew Page