Tuesday November 10, 2015 | by Sia Lenaburg
Viewing articles by Sia Lenaburg

Friday November 6, 2015 | by Sia Lenaburg
EXHIBITION: Medical glass takes center stage at Chicago’s International Museum of Surgical Science
FILED UNDER: Curiosities, Education, Exhibition, Museums
Wednesday October 28, 2015 | by Sia Lenaburg
EXHIBITION: Tina Aufiero makes provocative words into challenging glass sculptures
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Artist Interviews, Events, Exhibition, Opening
Artist Tina Aufiero doesn’t make Word Art — written language rendered in glass and presented in a gallery context — as a way to reclaim meaning, as some of the best-known practioners of the genre such as Jenny Holzer do, but rather to consider how her own perception of a word develops in time while she is creating the piece. For Aufiero, meaning develops as a response to the process of creation. She works with a variety of materials, but returns to glass, possibly because the material is uniquely suited to conveying elusive concepts and surface reflections with a purity of expression. Though her work has been described as whimsical, the playfulness of her art speaks to deeper questions of our everyday language, as well as elusive concepts such as “love” and “happiness.”…