Monday November 16, 2015 | by Andrew Page
Viewing: Award

Thursday November 12, 2015 | by Andrew Page
MUSEUMS: Corning to unveil subversive jeweler’s Rakow Commision work today
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Award, Exhibition, Museums, New Work, News
Thursday October 15, 2015 | by Andrew Page
Matt Szösz awarded 2015 University of the Arts Borowsky Prize
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Award, News

Tuesday September 22, 2015 | by Lindsay von Hagn
The Glass Art Society’s 2015 TAG Grant Recipients, 2016 Award Winners
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Award, News
Wednesday June 10, 2015 | by Alexander Charnov
U.K. glass artist association announces winner of glass postcard competition
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Award, Exhibition, New Work
Tuesday May 12, 2015 | by Emily Ma-Luongo
EXHIBITION: Finalists in Belgian and Dutch art competition on view in Holland
FILED UNDER: Award, Exhibition, Museums, News
Wednesday March 4, 2015 | by Andrew Page
Rui Sasaki wins the 2015 Jutta Cuny-Franz Memorial Award
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Award, News
Friday August 1, 2014 | by Andrew Page
OPENING: Hiroshi Yamano’s “Branches” exhibition explores natural beauty
FILED UNDER: Award, Exhibition, New Work, News, Opening
Thursday July 10, 2014 | by Lindsay von Hagn
American Craft Council Awards honor two glass artists and Corning Museum curator Tina Oldknow
FILED UNDER: Announcements, Award, News

Monday July 7, 2014 | by Elena Tafone