

Learn the tools and techniques that have been used to blow and sculpt glass for over two thousand years. Introductory classes start with the basics of safety, teamwork, and form, while advanced classes focus on specific techniques, best practices and innovations in the field.

  • Molds and Folds with Boyd Sugiki and Lisa Zerkowitz Sugiki
    2 Sessions: February 19 — February 20
    Wednesday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Interlace with Nancy Callan & Mel Douglas
    5 Sessions: June 10 — June 14
    Tuesday, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Classes at UrbanGlass offer students of all ages the opportunity to explore the endless possibilities of glass. Educational programming includes everything from introductory classes for all ages to master classes for professional artists, as both in-person and virtual offerings. 

Get more information about Registering for Classes, including our Cancellation Policy, here
Buy a Gift Certificate for class credit through our store, here

Studio Hours
  • Monday Closed

  • Tuesday Reservations 9:00-8:00

  • Wednesday Reservations 9:00-8:00

  • Thursday Reservations 9:00-8:00

  • Friday Reservations 9:00-8:00

  • Saturday Reservations 10:00-8:00

  • Sunday Reservations 10:00-8:00