
Viewing articles by Andrew Page

Thursday September 24, 2015 | by Andrew Page

HELP WANTED: North Lands Creative Glass accepting applications for next Artistic Director

FILED UNDER: Announcements, Help Wanted, News
British artist Emma Woffenden's three-year term as artistic director of North Lands Creative Glass will expire in 2016, and so this art center located on the rugged Northeastern coast of Scotland is accepting applications for Woffenden's successor, who will start on October 1, 2016. The Artistic Director advises the North Lands board of directors regarding the organization's artistic direction, and directs and plans its annual master class and conference programs. The artistic director also serves as an advisor on the artists chosen for the residency program.

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Thursday September 24, 2015 | by Andrew Page

UrbanGlass to celebrate local handmade whiskey in early October

FILED UNDER: Announcements, Events, News
UrbanGlass, in partnership with the Kings County Distillery, will host BourbonGlass on Wednesday, October 7th from 7 PM to 9 PM. A fundraising cocktail party for the arts nonprofit that publishes GLASS Quarterly and the Hot Sheet, the event will take place in the 17,000-square-foot studios of UrbanGlass. Guests will be able taste the distillery's line of small-batch whiskeys and learn about the history of whiskey production in Brooklyn, as well as specifics about the five-year-old distillery from master blender Nicole Austin. Austin helped design a custom whiskey glass being made for the occasion by artist and designer William Couig. Each guest will take his or her tasting glass home as a gift.

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Wednesday September 16, 2015 | by Andrew Page

Chrysler Museum of Art officially announced as site of 2017 Glass Art Society Conference

FILED UNDER: Announcements, Events, Museums, News
The Glass Art Society has announced that the Chrysler Museum of Art, the main building and neighboring glass studio, will host the 46th annual gathering of the glass art world. With the theme: "Reflections from the Edge: Glass, Art, and Performance," the 2017 conference will run from June 1st through 3rd, 2017, and will be co-chaired by Diane Wright, the glass curator at the Chrysler Museum; Charlotte Potter, manager and program director of the museum's glass studio; and community members Virginia Hitch and Colin McKinnon. Performance art using glass, a focus of the Chrysler Museum of Art Glass Studio under Potter's leadership, will be a central focus of the 2017 event, according to today's announcement. The event will follow the 2016 conference taking place in Corning, New York.

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Wednesday September 16, 2015 | by Andrew Page

Full Program Released for the 2015 Robert M. Minkoff Foundation Academic Symposium at UrbanGlass

The full schedule for the 2015 Robert M. Minkoff Foundation Academic Symposium at UrbanGlass — complete with times, dates, and maps — has just been released. Among the highlights of this year's symposium, which has the theme of "New Technologies in Practice," is a Chelsea gallery tour that includes stops at Andrea Rosen Gallery to discuss Josiah McElheny's latest work, Sean Kelly Gallery to hear about Idris Khan's recent work in glass, and Heller Gallery for a presentation of new work by April Surgent as well as a panel discussion on the challenges of taking over a glass program and inheriting its technology. Panelists include glass program heads Helen Lee (UWisconsin, Madison), Kim Harty (CCA, Detroit), Marc Petrovic (CIA, Cleveland), and Sharyn O'Mara (Tyler, Philadelphia). A reception at the loft of a downtown art collector will cap off the first day's activities.

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Thursday August 27, 2015 | by Andrew Page

Hot Off the Presses: GLASS #140, Fall 2015

The Fall 2015 edition of GLASS: The UrbanGlass Art Quarterly (#140) is hitting newsstands and subscriber mailboxes over the next few days. On the cover is a work by French installation artist Baptiste Debombourg, a room with massive windows collapsing inward. For her article, contributing editor Victoria Josslin presents a mediation on Debombourg’s grand catastrophe in Aerial (a 2012 site-specific installation at the Brauweiler Abbey near Cologne, Germany), considering the scene as a frozen moment just after the impact of some cataclysmic explosion outside.

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Tuesday August 25, 2015 | by Andrew Page

HELP WANTED: Toledo Museum of Art Glass Studio seeks Assistant Manager

FILED UNDER: Help Wanted
The Toledo Museum of Art in Toledo, Ohio, is seeking an assistant manager who will work with the Glass Studio manager in the daily operations of the multi-use, state-of-the-art facility that is a major site for the museum's programming, education, and special events. The successful applicant will be responsible for leading the technical staff in maintaining studio operations, which include hot glass, flame working, kiln forming and stained glass studios as well as a mold-making and cold-working shop. "The position will be lead on all maintenance related activity and assist in planning long-term projects taking place in the Glass Studio," reads the official job announcement.

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139 Cover1
Rachel Owens, "Smile Always" exhibition at Zieher Smith & Horton in 2015.

Saturday August 8, 2015 | by Andrew Page

On Tuesday, artist Rachel Owens to lecture about her glass-and-resin work that critiques consumerism

On the evening of August 11th, internationally-exhibiting artist Rachel Owens will speak about her work and process during an evening lecture at UrbanGlass in Brooklyn (UrbanGlass publishes the GLASS Quarterly Hot Sheet). The artist, whose work graced the cover of the Summer 2015 edition of GLASS (#139), explores the corrosive effects of consumer culture driven to unsustainable levels of desire by retail mercandising and marketing. Ownes makes sculptures of molded broken glass and resin, which she employs for its seductive and repulsive push-puil.

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Wednesday June 10, 2015 | by Andrew Page

CALL FOR ENTRIES: Stanislav Libenský Award invites recent grads to submit

The Prague Gallery of Czech Glass has announced a call for entries to the seventh Stanislav Libenský Award. Designed as an international juried exhibition for glass art, the award is open to recent grads of B.F.A. or M.F.A programs around the world, as long as they used glass as an element in their final thesis project.

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Monday June 1, 2015 | by Andrew Page

HOT OF THE PRESSES: Glass #139, Summer 2015

FILED UNDER: New Work, News, Print Edition
The Summer 2015 edition of GLASS: The UrbanGlass Art Quarterly (#139) is hitting newsstands and subscriber mailboxes. It comes bundled with the just-published 2015 edition of New Glass Review, a special subscriber bonus at no additonal charge (It is also available at select newsstands, but at a higher cover price). On the cover is a striking work by sculptor Rachel Owens, who employs glass for the same light-mediating qualities that draw so many sculptors. But she is especially focused on its metaphoric resonance. She began to notice broken green glass on the sidewalks of her Greenpoint, Brooklyn, neighborhood shortly after moving to New York after earning an MFA at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Keeping its sharp edges intact and giving it shape using a resin casting process, she has made it a primary material in her work, tapping into its associations of consumption and violence—two forces she zeroes in on in her critique of the excesses of our culture of rampant consumerism and its dire implications for the natural world. An in-depth conversation with Owens explores the importance of her investment in making her own work, which brings together concept and material for a powerful, multi-layered effect.

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08B  Tina  Oldknow  Lavine
Tina Oldknow in the Heineman Gallery. photo: allison lavine

Tuesday May 26, 2015 | by Andrew Page

A conversation with Corning’s Tina Oldknow on the announcement of her retirement

FILED UNDER: Announcements, Museums, News
This morning, The Corning Museum of Glass will announce that Tina Oldknow plans to retire from the position of senior curator of modern and contemporary glass in September 2015. Oldknow has been in this high-profile position since 2000. Her 15-year-tenure has been marked by numerous exhibitions, publications, and frequent appearances as a lecturer, critic, and panelist (including those I've moderated). Her visibility, as well as prodigious output as an author and curator, have made her perhaps the most-visible and best-known figure in the world of contemporary art made from glass, and one of its most-enthusiastic proponents. Oldknow's retirement will come just months after the March 2015 opening of The Corning Museum's new Contemporary Art + Design Wing, which she curated, and for which she made several major acquisitions while being intimately involved in its planning and design. Oldknow also wrote the exhibition catalog for the new wing, entitled Collecting Contemporary Glass: Art and Design After 1990 from the Corning Museum of Glass (2014).

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Glass: The UrbanGlass Quarterly, a glossy art magazine published four times a year by UrbanGlass has provided a critical context to the most important artwork being done in the medium of glass for more than 40 years.