Wednesday June 6, 2018 | by Andrew Page
Tuesday May 29, 2018 | by Andrew Page
HOT OFF THE PRESSES: The Summer 2018 edition of Glass (#151)
Sunday May 27, 2018 | by Milan Hlaves
In Memoriam: René Roubíček (1922 - 2018)
Wednesday May 23, 2018 | by Andrew Page
HELP WANTED: UrbanGlass seeks education coordinator

Libbey Glass Company, Punch Bowl and Stand with 23 Cups. Thick colorless glass. H 21 ½, W 23 ⅞, D 23 ⅞ in. courtesy: libbey glass company.
Wednesday May 9, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
EXHIBITION: The Toledo Museum of Art celebrates the industrial glass empire that has supported it since 1901
Tuesday May 8, 2018 | by Andrew Page
After 14 years, Pam Koss will step down as executive director of the Glass Art Society

A detail from DuGrenier's work Super Art, a work involving glass and bees, which was displayed in New York City's Fulcrum Gallery in the 1990s.
Thursday May 3, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
Designer and artist Robert DuGrenier inducted into Illinois State University's fine art hall of fame

In Chicago, James Yood delivered the 2014 Glass Art Society Conference Strattman Lecture entitled “W(h)ither Glass? The Next 50 Years.” photo: heather ahrens. courtesy: glass art society
Tuesday April 24, 2018 | by Andrew Page
In Memoriam: James Yood (1952 - 2018)

Tom Moore, Pyrotechnic Puffer Fish, 2016. Blown and solid glass, epoxy. H 19¾, W 20, D 11 in. (larger fish) photo: grant hancock.
Thursday April 19, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
Playful glass goblet work takes top honors, $15,000 prize, at contemporary art competition in Australia.
Wednesday April 18, 2018 | by Andrew Page
3 Questions for ... Jeremy Lepisto
GLASS Quarterly Hot Sheet: What have you been working on? Jeremy Lepisto: Currently, my time is divided between my full-time position at the Australian National University’s School of Art and Design as a Technical Officer in the Sculpture Workshop as well as the School’s Work Health and Safety Officer, completing a long-overdue PhD degree, fabricating for others. and making new gallery work. As part of my PhD research, I'm creating a collection of stacking sculptures that compile together (physically and metaphorically) into a mixed-media series of sculptures. The shape and structure of these sculptures are based on the form of a common shipping container. This research looks to explore the duality of effects delivered to the agencies of people/places/objects through the utilization of the modern shipping container. …