Wednesday July 25, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
Viewing articles by Valerie Hughes

Libbey Glass Company, Punch Bowl and Stand with 23 Cups. Thick colorless glass. H 21 ½, W 23 ⅞, D 23 ⅞ in. courtesy: libbey glass company.
Wednesday May 9, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
EXHIBITION: The Toledo Museum of Art celebrates the industrial glass empire that has supported it since 1901

A detail from DuGrenier's work Super Art, a work involving glass and bees, which was displayed in New York City's Fulcrum Gallery in the 1990s.
Thursday May 3, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
Designer and artist Robert DuGrenier inducted into Illinois State University's fine art hall of fame

Tom Moore, Pyrotechnic Puffer Fish, 2016. Blown and solid glass, epoxy. H 19¾, W 20, D 11 in. (larger fish) photo: grant hancock.
Thursday April 19, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
Playful glass goblet work takes top honors, $15,000 prize, at contemporary art competition in Australia.

Julie Alland, Song File #1 - Friends of Prometheus, 2016. Kilnformed and engraved glass, magnetic audiotape, vintage glass box. H 4 ½, W 6, D 4 in. courtesy: julie alland.
Tuesday April 17, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
EXHIBITION: Philadelphia glass museum seeks to join the visual and the auditory in "Sound + Vision"

Andrew Erdos and Yasue Maetake, Amorphous Terrain, 2018. Blown glass, copper corrosion stain on pulp (kozo, abaca and cotton), steel, industrial safety glass, cane and jute rope. H 144, W 60, D 54 in. photo: kariya hirofumi.
Thursday April 5, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
OPENING: A new collaborative work by Andrew Erdos and Yasue Maetake debuts on Friday in NYC
Wednesday April 4, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
The Corning Museum's glassblowing barge readies for its summer-long tour of New York State waterways
Robin Rogers, who has been running the Perry Glass Studio as interim director, will now hold the full title. photo: eckard wheeler
Tuesday March 27, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
The Chrysler Makes it Official: Interim manager Robin Rogers is the new Glass Studio manager and program director
Monday March 26, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
Artist Kait Rhoads taps the social aspects of glass work to spread the word about ocean ecology (and celebrate her 50th)
Tuesday March 20, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes