Thursday March 8, 2018 | by Andrew Page
Saturday March 3, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
CALL FOR ENTRIES: Deadline extended for Bellevue Museum of Art juried competition for Northwest artists with two $5,000 cash awards

Left: Martin Janecky, La Reina. Glass. H 21, W 10 in. Photography by Russell Johnson. courtesy: heller gallery
Right: Martin Janecky, Arbol De La Vida. Glass. H 18, W 15 in. Photography by Russell Johnson. courtesy: heller gallery.
Thursday March 1, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
OPENING: Martin Janecký unveils new Mexican-inspired works at Heller Gallery tonight
Wednesday February 28, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
In New Orleans, sculptor and Tulane professor Gene Koss will give a rare demo this coming Friday

Michael Crowder, Une Petite Pipe Morte (A Little Pipe Death), 2009. Cigarette ashes, resin. H 3, W 5 1/2, D 1 1/2 in. photo: david a. brown. courtesy: houston center for contemporary craft.
Wednesday February 28, 2018 | by Allison Adler
EXHIBITION: Houston museum takes a craft perspective on Surrealism, focuses on work by Michael Crowder
Kiki Smith, Sainte Geneviève And The Deer, 1999. Fired paint on glass panels. 2 parts, H 54 ¼, W 48in / H 89, W 46 ¾ in. Courtesy: Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung.
Tuesday February 27, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
EXHIBITION: German foundation presents glass works by major contemporary artists organized around a common theme
Monday February 26, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
The American Craft Council announces new executive director Sarah Schultz, inducts artist Beth Lipman as fellow

Performance: Julianne Swartz's Sine Body with Estelí Gomez. 2018. photo: heidi bohnenkamp. courtesy: the artist.
Thursday February 22, 2018 | by Allison Adler
SEEN: The shape of sound explored in Julianne Swartz's NYC performance using blown glass, trained voice, and ambient air pressure
Christopher Taylor led the Philadelphia-based Clay Studio for over seven years before accepting the position as Pilchuck's new executive director.
Wednesday February 21, 2018 | by Andrew Page
Pilchuck's new executive director, Christopher Taylor, is former head of prominent ceramics nonprofit

Tiffany Studios, River Of Live Window, early 20th century. Leaded glass. Photography by: John Faier. Courtesy: Driehaus Museum.
Wednesday February 21, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes