Stephan Cox’s Yellow Spout looks like a crossing between the human body and an exotic, colorful glass bird.
Tuesday April 10, 2018 | by Allison Adler
Stephan Cox’s Yellow Spout looks like a crossing between the human body and an exotic, colorful glass bird.
Tuesday April 10, 2018 | by Allison Adler
Thursday March 29, 2018 | by Allison Adler
Natsuki Katsukawa, Microworld Specimen, 2016. Blown and fused glass. H 23, W 34, D 34 cm. photo: natsuki katsukawa. courtesy: glassmuseet ebeltoft.
Tuesday March 27, 2018 | by Allison Adler
Former Corning curator of modern and contemporary glass Tina Oldknow pictured in 2012. courtesy: the corning museum of glass
Tuesday March 20, 2018 | by Allison Adler
Sibylle Peretti, Where The Rubies Grow I and Where the Rubies Grow II, 2018. Glass. H 23, W 12, D 12 in.
Thursday March 15, 2018 | by Allison Adler
Thursday March 15, 2018 | by Allison Adler
Thursday March 15, 2018 | by Allison Adler
Wilken Skurk's Home (2011) and one of Dafna Kaffeman's wolves as presented on the web page for "If I Had A Home" at lorch + seidel.
Tuesday March 13, 2018 | by Allison Adler
Michael Crowder, Une Petite Pipe Morte (A Little Pipe Death), 2009. Cigarette ashes, resin. H 3, W 5 1/2, D 1 1/2 in. photo: david a. brown. courtesy: houston center for contemporary craft.
Wednesday February 28, 2018 | by Allison Adler
Performance: Julianne Swartz's Sine Body with Estelí Gomez. 2018. photo: heidi bohnenkamp. courtesy: the artist.
Thursday February 22, 2018 | by Allison Adler