
Viewing: Events

Friday April 12, 2013 | by Andrew Page

Glass Art Association of Canada cancels 2013 conference citing tough financial times for artists

FILED UNDER: Events, News
A last-ditch push to raise attendance in the 2013 Glass Art Association of Canada conference failed to raise sign-ups sufficiently to make the event financially viable for the 30-year-old artist organization. Organizers say they were 30-percent of the way to a break-even event, but that is where enrollment stalled with only 6 weeks to go before the scheduled event was to take place on May 23rd, 2013, in Calgary, Alberta. The cancellation is all the more bittersweet as it was to be a celebratory event of the association’s three-decade anniversary, and was entitled: “Breaking Boundaries: 30 Smashing Years!” And so on Wednesday, GAAC president Jamie Gray notified members of the decision. “Very sadly and with great regret, we have had to make the decision to cancel the conference,” she wrote in an emailed letter.

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