
General Scholarships

As of January 1st, 2024, scholarships can no longer be applied for on a rolling basis. Instead, interested students are required to adhere to our quarterly deadlines for scholarship submissions. After applications are submitted, they will be reviewed by a committee and awarded shortly after the deadline. These scholarships not only provide help financially but also foster innovation and artistic growth. UrbanGlass offers two different types of scholarship opportunities; LEAP and IGNITE, which are detailed below. UrbanGlass will award one of each scholarship to the selected students once per each scholarship deadline. Both the LEAP and IGNITE scholarships provide a 100% funded class. 

Please note scholarships offer free tuition for the cost of the awarded class, and do not include any additional expenses such as travel, room, board, or materials. 

Scholarship Deadlines for 2025 

  • Spring 2025 Workshops will be posted on February 6th, 2025 and the Scholarship Deadline will be March 6th, 2025
  • Summer 2025 Workshops will be posted on April 25th, 2025 and the Scholarship Deadline will be May 25th
  • Fall 2025 Workshops will be posted on June 13th, 2025 and the Scholarship Deadline will be July 13th, 2025
  • Winter 2026 Workshops will be posted on October 10th, 2025 and the Scholarship Deadline will be November 10th, 2025

Students can apply for one of the following scholarships each season that can be allocated to one workshop. Please read the Scholarship Application FAQ below for more details on submitting an application! 

The LEAP Scholarship, which stands for Learning, Experimentation, Advancement and Progress in glass, signifies the commitment to learning, the spirit of experimentation, and the goal of advancing skills and creativity in the world of glass. It is designed to support and empower innovative minds eager to push the boundaries of traditional glass artistry. With LEAP we celebrate the art of thinking beyond the ordinary, embracing unconventional approaches, and redefining the possibilities of glass as a creative medium. This scholarship is not only about financial assistance but also about fostering a community of forward-thinkers and visionaries in the world of glass art. This scholarship requires that the applicant have experience working in glass, and are interested in expanding their practice.

The IGNITE Scholarship, is a commitment to fueling the creative sparks within emerging glass artists. Glass experience is not required for this scholarship; this opportunity is ideal for applicants with little to no experience with glass; who are looking to broaden their practice through this exciting medium. This scholarship program invests in talent, fosters artistic growth and excellence through educational support. It's a gateway for artists looking to develop their creative potential and explore the world of glass art.

*Scholarship winners will be notified one week after the deadline. Awards must be accepted by recipients by email response within one week of notification, or award may be offered to another applicant.

If you are interested in looking at other opportunities for making classes more accessible; take a look at our Financial Assistance offerings.

Scholarship Application FAQ

Please review the FAQs below for submitting an application for the LEAP and IGNITE scholarship. If you have any other questions, please contact our Registrar,

  • How should I select my top three workshop choices?
    • Look at our full listing of classes HERE and select your top three
    • Choose classes that align with the semester you are applying for the scholarship for (Winter classes are January - March, Spring classes are April - June, Summer classes are July-September, Fall classes are October-December). You can select to view classes based on semester from the filter on the right hand side of the class page
  • Do I need experience in glass to be considered for a scholarship?
    • You do not need experience in glass if you are applying for a class that is open to beginners. Please read the class descriptions carefully. The eligibility section will note if a class requires experience or not. 
    • You can learn more about what to expect from our workshops by reading the Registration Info Page and the Accessibility page on our website
    • We recommend applying for the IGNITE scholarship if you are new or newish to glass
    • If you are not sure if a class is suitable for beginners, reach out to with any questions!
  • What kind of images are you looking for? 
    • Send images that best represent your work and what you are interested in
    • If you have videos, you can include a still image in the application, and send a link to the video to 
    • As long as the class you are applying for does not require experience in glass, than your images can show your creative work in any medium
    • If you are applying to a class that requires experience in glass, please include your glass work
    • We do not recommend submitting images that are concept drawings for what you hope to make during a class. Classes are process oriented, not product oriented. As a student, you will be using the time to learn a new skill, rather than making a finished piece. If you would like to make something specific, please consider private lessons or working with an artist to have a piece made for you via our Atelier program
    • In the image info section, please list the title, materials, and dimensions of the piece. Please note if objects depicted are digital renderings or AI generated.  
  • What should I write for my Workshop Reason?
    • Consider how this particular workshop will impact your artistic development. Let us know about your goals and how you think that glass will inform your practice. 
  • How does Financial Assistance work?
    • If you are not selected for the scholarship, you can choose to be considered for financial assistance - which is a partial discount and/or a payment plan. Keep in mind that we are typically able to provide discounts between 20-50% off. 
    • Read more about Financial Assistance HERE
  • How does the jury process work?
    • The LEAP and IGNITE scholarships are merit based. Each quarterly semester, one person will be awarded the LEAP scholarship and one person will be awarded the IGNITE scholarship. Those who do not receive the scholarship, can elect to be considered for financial assistance. 
    • There is a different jury each semester. If you do not receive a scholarship this semester, we encourage you to apply again!
    • Applications are reviewed anonymously. The jury reviews each application without looking at names
    • Applicants will be informed no more than two weeks after the application deadline