Tuesday July 31, 2018 | by Olivia Ryder
Thursday July 26, 2018 | by Chelsea Liu
CALL FOR APPLICANTS: Prospective Netflix reality show "Blown Away" seeks competitive glassblowers
Wednesday July 25, 2018 | by Valerie Hughes
CALL FOR ENTRIES: Jutta Cuny-Franz Memorial Award 2019

Lino Tagliapietra with Medusa at Schantz Galleries opening on July 13th. photo: kim saul. courtesy: schantz galleries
Tuesday July 24, 2018 | by Olivia Ryder
With exhibitions at two of the top East Coast galleries, Lino Tagliapietra reveals his experimental energy is undimmed
Tuesday July 17, 2018 | by Chelsea Liu
PROFILE: Military veteran and Ohio glassblower Doug Frates created a monumental installation in North Carolina
Thursday July 12, 2018 | by Olivia Ryder
AWARD: Percy Echols II wins the first Ron Desmett Memorial Award for Imagination in Glass

A veteran of Seattle's Pratt Fine Art Center, Brandi Clark was most recently the executive director of a museum devoted to Northwest Coast artists.
Thursday July 12, 2018 | by Andrew Page
Glass Art Society announces appointment of seasoned non-profit administrator as interim executive director

At the 2018 UrbanGlass gala, executive director Cybele Maylone is flanked by honorees real-estate developer David Picket and artist Amber Cowan.
Tuesday July 10, 2018 | by Andrew Page
Cybele Maylone, executive director of UrbanGlass since 2013, moving on to lead regional contemporary art museum
As Pilchuck's artistic director, Tina Aufiero brought her expertise in emerging technologies, such as 3-D printing, to update the experimental spirit of this glass school. She is pictured in the BotLab she built during her tenure.
Friday July 6, 2018 | by Andrew Page
Tina Aufiero to step down as artistic director of Pilchuck in December, will focus on personal art practice
Thursday July 5, 2018 | by Olivia Ryder