
Anna Ting Moller: Fantasy of the Fabrication

August 9th, 12:00 am – 12:00 am

Opening Reception August 9th from 6-8 PM.


Anna-Ting Möller's work explores our preconceived notions about the cycle of life, but through the lens of microbiology. It challenges the one channeled and narrow way humanity has decided to understand and categorize all living and dead things, which makes it impossible to understand any species without attaching human attributes to them. Fungi and mold are linked with death and decay, because they have the ability to decompose bodies. The world of fungi is an unexplored realm, it engages with life and death from a different perspective.

Since 2015 the artist has been cultivating a kombucha-culture, that received while she was travelling in China in search of her birth family, with tea and sugar— both materials rooted in fraught relationships to Northern European economies. Working with the same kombucha-mother continues the lineage of offsprings and the examination of the matrilineal “family tree”. Möller's sculptures are alive in a literal sense, the organism is grown from the kombucha-mother culture, then removed from the mother. It is theoretically possible to return the “living flesh” back into the culture, the mother. But the risk of contamination is extremely high. The method expands on the relationship between mother-child or child-mother and the fantasy of the fabrications of a child's origin.


About the Artist-

Anna-Ting Möller (b. 1991, Yueyang, China) is a Chinese/Swedish artist living and working in New York City and Stockholm. They are currently pursuing their MFA in Visual Art, with a concentration in installation and expanded practices at Columbia University in the City of New York (2023).

Möller has a BFA from Konstfack University, Stockholm (2018) and received IASPIS Swedish Artists Grant (2020), Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts Grant (2019) and the Sweden-American Foundation Fellowship (2022/2023). Möller has exhibited at Liljevachls, Kristianstad Konsthall, Gustavsbergs Konsthall, ArkDes, Carl Eldh Ateljemuseum, Stockholm, ICPNA La Molina, Lima, Peru. The artist participated in the 45th Tendencies Biennale, Norway. 

Event Images
Class Schedule
  • August 9th – September 29th, 2023
Window Gallery
647 Fulton St
Brooklyn, New York 11217