
Cracking the Code: Kilns & Firing Schedules with Jessi Moore

March 18th, 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Jessi Moore |

This event costs $15. We are experiencing technical difficulties with the registration via the website. To sign up for this class use the direct link HERE. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please reach out if you are having trouble signing up and we will work with you to get you registered.

Unlock the mysteries of kilns and firing schedules with glass artist Jessi Moore. In this 1.5-hour lecture and Q&A, Jessi will help you decode the firing process, troubleshoot common issues, and create firing schedules tailored to your projects. This session will give you the tools to crack the code for consistent results.

Class Schedule
  • One-Day | 1 Session: March 18th
    Tuesday, 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
UrbanGlass Studio
647 Fulton St
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Staff, Instructor

Jessi Moore

Jessi Moore’s work as a glass maker has led her to travel, show and teach nationally. She currently teaches for NYU at UrbanGlass and has been a resident artist at Haystack Mountain School of Craft.

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