
Bead Project Trunk Show

November 14th, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Come join us as we celebrate the Bead Project students completing their course and stepping up as UrbanGlass community members, renters, artists, creatives, and friends! Stop by the Trunk Show to shop their finished work, and congratulate the students on their hard work. The Bead Project is a 10-week scholarship program designed for creatively inclined women (including ciswomen, transwomen, and femme-identified non-binary folks). Students learn the art of glass beadmaking alongside entrepreneurial skills. The Bead Project offers students a transformative experience, new tools for self-expression, and the skills to turn glass beadmaking into a supplemental form of income, while becoming a part of a dynamic creative community.  Current Class, Fall 2021

Class Schedule
  • November 14th, 2021
    1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Agnes Varis Art Center
647 Fulton St
Brooklyn, NY 11217