
Tuesday March 29, 2016 | by Andrew Page

OPENING: Annual tea pot exhibition in Pittsburgh set to debut Friday

For the tenth year running, Morgan Contemporary Glass Gallery will host its annual teapot invitational exhibition, an event celebrating the timeless form as interpreted by contemporary artists working in craft media including glass. Opening this Friday, April 1st, and running through May 28th, the "teapots!" exhibit will feature more than 60 artists working in ceramics, fiber, metal, wood, and glass. For those who follow the show, many glass artists reappear with further meditations on the form.

There will be many repeat exhibitors in this annual event, but also relative newcomers, such as father-son artists and MIT faculty members Erik & Martin Demaine, who combine folded paper and intricate blown glass to create a sort of ship in a teapot. The duo use sculpture "to help visualize and understand unsolved problems in science and to inspire new art forms," according to the exhibition announcement.

Other glass artists who will be exhibiting the teapot form inclue Carmen Lozar, Andy Paiko, and Marlene Kawalez, among others.


"teapots! 10th annual exhibition"
Morgan Contemporary Glass Gallery
5833 Ellsworth Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pensylvania 15232
Tel: 412.441.5200

Glass: The UrbanGlass Quarterly, a glossy art magazine published four times a year by UrbanGlass has provided a critical context to the most important artwork being done in the medium of glass for more than 40 years.