In Chicago, James Yood delivered the 2014 Glass Art Society Conference Strattman Lecture entitled “W(h)ither Glass? The Next 50 Years.” photo: heather ahrens. courtesy: glass art society
Tuesday April 24, 2018 | by Andrew Page
In Chicago, James Yood delivered the 2014 Glass Art Society Conference Strattman Lecture entitled “W(h)ither Glass? The Next 50 Years.” photo: heather ahrens. courtesy: glass art society
Tuesday April 24, 2018 | by Andrew Page
Wednesday April 18, 2018 | by Andrew Page
GLASS Quarterly Hot Sheet: What have you been working on? Jeremy Lepisto: Currently, my time is divided between my full-time position at the Australian National University’s School of Art and Design as a Technical Officer in the Sculpture Workshop as well as the School’s Work Health and Safety Officer, completing a long-overdue PhD degree, fabricating for others. and making new gallery work. As part of my PhD research, I'm creating a collection of stacking sculptures that compile together (physically and metaphorically) into a mixed-media series of sculptures. The shape and structure of these sculptures are based on the form of a common shipping container. This research looks to explore the duality of effects delivered to the agencies of people/places/objects through the utilization of the modern shipping container. …
Attendees at Expanding Horizons 2017 included (L to R) mentor Mark Morris with student Jeremiah Brown from YAYA, New Orleans; student Dantrell Blake with mentor Alex Krueger from Project Fire, Chicago; student Santiago Aquilera with mentor Josh Laabs from Ignite, Chicago; student Nia Fairley with mentor Joe Waropay from Ignite, Chicago; student Taquita Pendelton with mentor Tracy Kirchmann from After School Matters Program, Chicago; and student Tanner Martin with mentor Trenton Quicho from Hilltop, Tacoma.
Wednesday April 4, 2018 | by Andrew Page
Tuesday April 3, 2018 | by Andrew Page
Thursday March 22, 2018 | by Andrew Page
Thursday March 8, 2018 | by Andrew Page
Christopher Taylor led the Philadelphia-based Clay Studio for over seven years before accepting the position as Pilchuck's new executive director.
Wednesday February 21, 2018 | by Andrew Page
Thursday January 11, 2018 | by Andrew Page
A sought-after instructor, Signoretto was a regular at Pilchuck, and also taught in Japan. Here he is at Corning, where he was filmed for a documentary by Robin Lehman for his "Glass Masters at Work" series.
Thursday January 4, 2018 | by Andrew Page
Tuesday November 28, 2017 | by Andrew Page