Abell Combustion, Inc.
PO Box 198
Kimberton, PA 19442
Tel: 610 827 9137
Fax: 610 827 7156
Email: abell@fast.net
GOODS OR SERVICES: Abell Combustion, Inc. is a National Engineering Firm outstanding in creative application of heating techniques to all forms of Process Heating. We have been in business since 1971. The breadth of our involvement in the transformation of glass in the manufacturing process ranges from the large Industries to Universities, Institutions, and the Glass Artisans themselves. For the Glass Artisans, we offer a wide range of Burners, Controls, and Safety Systems to fit ones’ needs and financial resources. All Systems are engineered to the latest rules and regulations applying to the Combustion Field for ease of operation while utilizing State of the Art Equipment and Technologies, to save energy, capital, and to increase production. Contact us for any assistance on your Combustion needs.
ABR Imagery, Inc.
3808 W Vernal Pike
Bloomington, IN 47401
Tel: (866) 342-4764 TOLL FREE or (812) 339-9147
GOODS OR SERVICES: Fusing and flameworking supplies.
Advanced Glass Industries
1335 Emerson Street
Rochester, NY 14606
Tel: (585) 458-8040
Fax: (585) 458-8087
Email: agi@advancedglass.net
GOODS OR SERVICES: Optical glass.
Armstrong Glass Supplies
55 Chastain Road Suite 107
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Tel: (800) 241-5013 TOLL FREE or (770) 919-9924
Fax: (770) 919-9664
GOODS OR SERVICES: Fusing and stained glass supplies.
Arrow Springs
331 #2 Industrial Drive
Placerville, CA 95667
Tel: 800 899 0689 TOLL FREE or 530 344 9219
Fax: 530 344 9216
Email: flameon@arrowsprings.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Flameworking supplies.
Artisans Supply
1440 W 52nd Avenue
Denver, CO 80221
Tel: 303 777 5177
Fax: 303 777 0161
Email: info@artisanssupply.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Fusing and stained glass supplies.
Artistry in Glass
#105-1674 Hyde Park Road
London, Ontario N6H 5L7
Tel: (877) 386-1116 TOLL FREE or (519) 641-0443
GOODS OR SERVICES: Fusing and stained glass supplies.
7310 West Roosevelt Rd.
Forest Park, IL 60130
Tel: 866 341 3340 TOLL FREE or 708 383 3340
Fax: 708 383 9059
Email: cust.service@angelgilding.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Mirroring supplies.
Anything in Stained Glass
5104 Pegasus Court Suite F
Frederick, MD 21704
(800) 462-1209 TOLL FREE or (301) 378-2218
(800) 231-5422
Email: supplies@anythinginstainedglass.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Stained glass supplies.
Artists' Reliable Tool Company
348 N 15th Street
San Jose, CA 95112
Tel: 408 288 7978
Fax: 408 288 7832
GOODS OR SERVICES: Glassblowing and flameworking tools.
Austin Thin Films, Inc.
1613 Radholm, Court, Building B
Round Rock, TX 7664
Tel: 800 268 6163 or 512 246 1122 TOLL FREE
Fax: 512 246 1133
Email: sales@dicro.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Dichroid coated art glass, rods, stringers, noodles, tubing, etc.
Bad Boy Blasters
1720 Wallace Avenue NE
Canton, OH 44705
Tel: 330 454 2699
Email: badboyblasters@sbcglobal.net
GOODS OR SERVICES: Sandblasting equipment.
Bullseye Glass Company
3722 SE 21st Avenue
Portland, OR 97202
Tel: 888 220-3002 TOLL FREE or 503 232 8887
Email: sales@bullseyeglass.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Fusing and kilnworking supplies.
C&R Loo
1732 Wright Avenue
Richmond, CA 94804
Tel: 510 232 0276
Fax: 510 232 7810
Email: sales@crloo.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Fusing, stained glass, and glassblowing supplies.
C.R. Laurence Co.
Corporate Headquarters: 2503 E Vernon Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90058
Tel: 800 421 6144 TOLL FREE
Fax: 800 262 3299
GOODS OR SERVICES: Coldworking equipment and supplies, glazing tools, glass cutting.
Coatings by Sandberg
856 N Commerce Street
Orange, CA 92867
Tel: 714 538 0888
Fax: 714 538 2767
GOODS OR SERVICES: Dichroic glass.
Colour Fusion
PO Box 64032 or 1362 Thornhill Drive
Oakville, ON L6L 2L2, Canada
Tel: 877 321 6949 TOLL FREE or 905 847 2847
Fax: 905 847 6588
GOODS OR SERVICES: Glassblowing and coldworking tools.
Correll Glass Studio
66 Hidden Ledge
Conway, MA 01341
Tel: 413 369 4283
Email: ccorrell@comcast.net
GOODS OR SERVICES: Hot shop equipment.
Covington Engineeering
715 West Colton Avenue
Redlands, CA 92374
Tel: 877 793 6636 TOLL FREE
Fax: 909 793 7641
Email: info@covington-engineering.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Coldworking equipment and machinery.
Cyclone Manugacturing
56850 Woodhouse Drive
Dowagiac, MI 49047
Tel: 269 782 9670
Email: cyclonemfr@frontier.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Sandblasting equipment and abrasives.
D&L Art Glass Supply
1440 W 52nd Avenue
Denver, CO 80221
Tel: 800 525 0940 TOLL FREE or 303 449 8737
Fax: 303 442 3429
Email: info@dlartglass.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Fusing, flameworking, and casting supplies.
Delphi Glass
Tel: (800) 248-2048 TOLL FREE or (517) 394-4631
GOODS OR SERVICES: Fusing and stained glass supplies
Denver Glass Machinery
2800 S Shoshone Street
Englewood, CO 80110
Tel: 303 781 0989
Fax: 303 781 9067
Email: info@denverglass.com
GOOD OR SERVICES: Coldworking and glassblowing equipment.
Dichroic Alchemy
3151 E Main Street Unit B
Ashland, OR 97520
Tel: 866 451 2254 TOLL FREE
Email: daorders@gmail.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Dichroic glass.
Digitry Company, Inc. 449 Forest Avenue Suite 9 Portland, ME 04101 Tel: 207 774 0300 Fax: 617 484 5220 Email: info@digitry.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Digitry programmable temperature controllers -- used by glass artists around the world. GB5: simultaneous control of five independent annealers, power sharing, extra program storage, enhanced zone control. GB1: ten stored profiles for a single annealer, PC connection and graphing, PID control, gas furnace control. Mercury displacement contactors, and high quality thermocouple probes in stock. Upgrade any kiln or furnace with one of our latest Vanessa cost-effective all-in-one control systems. Visit our website or call for information.
East Bay Batch and Color
169 South 1st Street
Richmond, CA 94804
Tel: (800) 322-6567 TOLL FREE or (510) 233-0708
Fax: (510) 233-3438
Email: customerservice@ebbatchcolor.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Batch and glassblowing and casting color.

27625 Diehl Rd
Warrenville, IL 60555
Tel: 800 323 5668
Fax: 630 836 1362
Emails: jleuck@edhoy.com, mmoran@edhoy.com GOODS OR SERVICES: Ed Hoy's International is known for our wide selection of glass, extensive inventory and excellent customer service. What are less known are the fantastic shopping options we offer from our Midwest warehouse, our web store with 24/7 real-time inventory, and our daily business support. Contact us for a free quote. You know art. We know business. Together YOU win!
400 Nevada Pacific Highway
Fernley, NV 89408
Tel: 800 873 3626 TOLL FREE
Fax: 800 965 5857
Email: customer-service@use-enco.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Coldworking equipment and supplies.
Maskinvagen 2
Tel: 46 471 186 80
GOODS OR SERVICES: Tools, equipment, and glassblowing color.
Etch World
176-180 5th Avenue
Hawthorne, NJ 07506
Tel: 800 872-3458 TOLL FREE
GOODS OR SERVICES: Etching and sandblasting supplies.
Eternal Tools
159 High Street
Pershore, Worcester WR10 1EQ, UK
Tel: 019938 12252 GOODS OR SERVICES: Engraving tools.
Euclid Kilns
Tel: 800 296 5456 TOLL FREE
Fax: 905 849 0001
Email: mail@euclids.com GOODS OR SERVICES: Kilns, elements, and more
Fire Nation
7166 Front Street
Holland, OH 43528
Tel: 419 866 6288 GOODS OR SERVICES: Glassblowing color.
FMS Sign Products Division
8635 Harriet Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55420
Tel: 800 769 6366 TOLL FREE or 952 888 7976
Fax: 952 888 7978
Email: info@brillite.com GOODS OR SERVICES: Neon supplies.
Franklin Art Glass
222 East Sycamore Street
Columbus, OH 43206
Tel: 614 221 2972
Fax: 614 221 5223
Email: info@franklinartglass.com or orders@franklinartglass.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Stained glass supplies.
Frantz Art Glass
130 West Corporate Road
Shelton, WA 98584
Tel: 800 839 6712 TOLL FREE or 360 426 6712
Fax: 360 427 5866
Email: sales@frantzartglass.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Flameworking supplies.
Fusion Headquarters
15500 NE Kincaid Road
Newberg, OR 97132
Tel: 503 538 5281
Email: carmen@fusionheadquarters.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Fusing supplies.
Gabbert Cullet Company
700 Cherry Avenue
Williamstown, WV 26187
Tel: 304 375 6435
Email: gabbertculletco@suddenlinkmail.com
Glass Craft Colorado
411 Violet Street
Golden, CO 80401
Tel: 888 272 3830 TOLL FREE GOODS OR SERVICES: Flameworking supplies.
Glass House Supply
1264 Giuntoli Lane Suite B
Arcata, CA 95521
Tel: 877 789 6454 TOLL FREE or 707 822 1374
Fax: 707 822 1375
Email: jason@glasshousesupply.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Flameworking supplies.
Glass Craft Oregon
3844 Janisse Street
Eugene, OR 97402
Tel: 877 893-9386 TOLL FREE
GOODS OR SERVICES: Flameworking supplies.
Glass Torch Technologies, Inc.
55 N Main Street
Tioga, PA 16946
Tel: 570 835 9777
Fax: 570 835 9779
Email: gtt@glasstorchtech.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Torches and glass.
Glastar Corporation
20721 Marilla Street
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Tel: 800 423 5635 TOLL FREE or 818 341 0301
Fax: 818 998 2078
GOODS OR SERVICES: Coldworking machinery.
Gran Quartz
Multiple locations throughout the US
Tel: (800) 458-6222 TOLL FREE
Email: customerservice@granquartz.com GOODS OR SERVICES: Coldworking supplies.
Granite City Tool Company
PO Box 7520
Saint Cloud, MN 56302
Tel: 800 328 7094 TOLL FREE or 320 251 8600
Fax: 320 259 1718
Email: sales@granitecitytool.com or info@granitecitytool.com GOODS OR SERVICES: Coldworking equipment.
Griffin Glass Tools
Elmira, NY
Tel: 607 331 6221
Email: scott@griffinglass.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Flameworking tools.
Harmony Stained Glass
3512-A Fairmont Parkway
Pasadena, TX 77504
Tel: 866 998 3381 TOLL FREE or 281 998 3381
Fax: 281 998 3392
GOODS OR SERVICES: Stained glass supplies.
Harrington's Glass Art Molds and Supplies
PO Box 223
Beasley, TX 77417
Tel: 281 754 3860
Email: sales@glassartmoldandsupplies.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Molds, fusing and casting supplies.
His Glassworks
2000 Riverside Drive Suite 19
Asheville, NC 28804
Tel: 800 914 7463 TOLL FREE or 828 254 2559
Fax: 828 254 2581 GOODS OR SERVICES: Coldworking supplies.
Hot Block Tools
3710 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburg, PA 15201
Tel: 412 683 1700
Fax: 412 683 6622 Email: hotblocktools@earthlink.net GOODS OR SERVICES: Glassblowing blocks and other wooden tools.
Hot Glass Color
2227 5th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98121
Tel: 866 448 1199 TOLL FREE or 206 448 1199
Email: sales@hotglasscolor.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Flameworking and glassblowing supplies.
The HUB Consolidated, Inc.
690 Route 73
Orwell, VT 05760
Tel: 800 323 5668
Fax: 802 948 2215
Email: info@hubglass.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: HUB has consistently set the industry benchmark for the design and manufacture of durable, reliable, and efficient glass heating and melting equipment. Designed and manufactured for maximum efficiency and minimum maintenance, HUB equipment and system design is field proven and at work in glass shops and factories all over the world. All of the components that we use are chosen for reliability based on experience. Thirty-four years of problem solving and technical experience allow us to offer exceptional solutions for off-hand glassmakers and the glass industry. Startup, training, and backup support is included with all equipment we build. We also sell refractory, crucibles, and tools. In addition, HUB produces high quality molds, prototypes, one-offs, and limited editions for artists, designers, and museums, which includes the production of glass parts, display and installation components, and custom installation. Please visit our website www.hubglass.com, or call 802 948 2209 for more information.
32052 Edward Drive
Madison Heights, MI 48071
(800) 521-8428 TOLL FREE or (248) 583-7150
(248) 583-9089
Email: sales@inlandcraft.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Stained glass supplies.
3615 Venture Drive W
Lakeland, FL 33811
Tel: 863 648 0585
Fax: 863 701 9867
Am Guterbahnhof 21
D 47608 Geldern, Germany
Tel: 49 0 2831 86039
Fax: 49 02831 87589
Email: info@kso-gobi.de GOODS OR SERVICES: Kilns.
Kurt Merker GMBH
Elsterstrasse 6
93309 Kelheim, Germany
Tel: 49 9441 3355
Fax: 49 9441 12815
Email: info@kmerker-kmk.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Glassblowing tools, engraving lathes and wheels.
LB Glass Studios
5498 Nave Drive
Novato, CA 94949
Tel: (415) 883-2025
Email: info@kilncastings.com GOODS OR SERVICES: Czech casting billets.
Legion Safety
608 S Wheeling Road
Wheeling, IL 60090
Tel: (866) 781-3892 TOLL FREE or (224) 6332-1635
GOODS OR SERVICES: Heat gloves and safety apparel.
Lincoln Distributors
520 S 52nd Street Sutie 210
Tempe, AZ 85281
Tel: 800 5281419 TOLL FREE or 480 968 9297
Fax: 480 968 6358
Email: info@lincolnglass.com
Litton Engineering Laboratories
200 Litton Drive Suite 200
Grass Valley, CA 95945
Tel: 800 821 8866 TOLL FREE or 530 273 6176
Fax: 530 477 1068
GOODS OR SERVICES: Flameworking lathes.
Mountain Glass Arts
370 Tunnel Road
Asheville, NC 28805
Tel: 828 298 6187 or 828 298 6207 or 828 298 6168
Fax: 828 298 6201
Email: info@mountainglass.com
Bahnhofstr. 20
28865 Lilenthal, Germany
Tel: 49 04298 922 0
Fax: 49 04298 922 129 GOODS OR SERVICES: Kilns.
National Torch
1590 99th Lane NE
Blaine, MN 55449
Tel: 763 786 4020
Fax: 763 786 5424
Email: pr.sales@premierind.us GOODS OR SERVICES: Torches and regulators.
Nortel: Canada
2040 Ellesmere Road Building 18
Toronto, Ontario M1H 3B6
Tel: 416 438 3325
Fax: 416 438 7140
Email: info@nortelmfg.com or sales@nortelmfg.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Torches and glass.
Nortel: US
1051 Clinton Street
Buffalo, NY 14206
Tel: 716 852 2685
Fax: 716 852 6375
Email: info@nortelmfg.com or sales@nortelmfg.com GOODS OR SERVICES: Torches and glass.
Northwest Art Glass
9003 151st Avenue NE
Redmond, WA 98052
Tel: 800 888 9444 TOLL FREE or 425 861 9600
Fax: 425 861 9300
Email: sales@nwartglass.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Wholesale supplier of fusing, stained glass, architectural glass, and flameworking supplies.
Ohm Equipment
PO Box 538
Millville, NJ 08332
Tel: 856 765 0808
Fax: 856 765 0808
Email: info@ohmequipment.com GOODS OR SERVICES: Hot shop equipment.
Olympic Color Rods, Inc.
818 John Street
Seattle, WA 98109
Tel: 800 445 7742 toll free in the US and Canada
Fax: 888 880 RODS
Email: sales@glasscolor.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: At Olympic Color Rods, we pride ourselves on superior customer service, quality merchandise and low prices. We specialize in the largest inventory of Gaffer, Reichenbach and Zimmermann colors for all your glass blowing, casting, and lampworking needs. We also offer a wide range of handcrafted tools and glass working accessories from Blockhead, Jim Moore Tools, and Steinert Molds. Other items we carry include heat protective clothing, Exact torches, precious metal leaf and foils, and dichroic glass. OCR also supplies System 96 Nuggets, Philips 4096, Gaffer 3300, and Spruce Pine Batch from locations accross America. We are your source for must have resource books like: Glass Notes by Henry Halem, Ed Shmid's Beginning Glassblowing and Advanced Glassworking Techniques, as well as informative videos. Call, fax, or email us to request a free catalog. Our website is a great sour for glass blowing information.
Pacific Art Glass
125 West 157th Street
Gardena, CA 90248
Tel: (800) 354-5277 TOLL FREE or (310) 516-7828
Fax: (310) 516-0335
Email: inquiry@pacificartglass.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Fusing and casting supplies.
2011 South Town East Blvd
Mesquite, TX 75149
Tel: (888) 222-6450 TOLL FREE or (972) 288-7557
Fax: (972) 222-0646
Email: info@paragonweb.com
Putsch Group
PO Box 5128
Asheville, NC 28813
Tel: 800 847 8427 TOLL FREE or 828 684 0671
Fax: 828 684 4894
Email: info@putschusa.com GOODS OR SERVICES: Glassblowing tools.
Red Hot Metal Incorporated/Cutting Edge Products
24 Bellarmine Ct Suite 1
Chico, CA 95928
Tel: (530) 342-1970
Email: info@redhotmetal.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Flameworking tools.
6441 SE Johnson Creek Blvd
Portland, OR 97206
Tel: (503) 774-6000
Fax: (503) 774-7833
Email: skutt@skutt.com
Spectrum Glass
24105 Sno-Woodinville Road
Woodinville, WA 98072
Tel: 425 483 6699
Fax: 425 483 9007
Email: info@spectrumglass.com or sales@spectrumglass.com GOODS OR SERVICES: Cullet and nuggets.
Spiral Arts, Inc.
901 NW 49th Street
Seattle, WA 98107
Tel: 888 369-5616 TOLL FREE or 206 768 9765
Fax: 206 768 9766
Email: orders@spiralarts.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Glassblowing tools; exclusive US distributor of Carlo Dona tools.
Sundance Art Glass
6052 Foster Road
Paradise, CA 95969
Tel: 800 946 8452
Fax: 530 876 8561
Email: contactus@sundance.com
System 96
PO Box 646
Woodinville, WA 98072
Tel: (425) 483-6699
Fax: (425) 483-9007
GOODS OR SERVICES: Fusing supplies.
Trev's Glass
1528 172nd Street NE
Marysville, WA 98271
Tel: 360 652 8642
GOODS OR SERVICES: Flameworking supplies.
Uroboros Glass
2139 N. Kerby Avenue
Portland, OR 97227
Tel: 503 284 4900
Fax: 503 284 7584
GOODS OR SERVICES: Refuse to be limited! We supply glass for all disciplines. Uroboros manufactures high quality System 96, FX90, UR0104 and Art Glass for the discerning kiln forming, torchwork, cold working, mosaic, and stained glass artist.We also develop precise custom specialty colors/products. Our product line includes sheets, rods, frit, noodles, stringer, casting billets, and rocks. We offer occassional classes with world-renowned glass artists for beginners, as well as advanced artists, and we rent kiln space. Visit our website for product information or contact us for assistance on your project.
West County Glass
1382 Gravenstein Highway South #D
Secastopol, CA 95472
Tel: 707 824 8422
Fax: 707 824 8422
Email: brenna@westcountyglass.com
GOODS OR SERVICES: Flameworking supplies, tools and education; in-house made millefiori; local only, no product on website.
The Glass Furnace, Istanbul, Turkey
GoggleWorks, Reading, PA
North Lands Creative Glass, Lybster, Scotland
Pittsburgh Glass Center, Pittsburgh
UrbanGlass, Brooklyn, NY
art + design, New York, NY
Bonhams Auctioneers, New York, NY
Christie's, New York, NY
Dr. Fischer Fine Art Auctions, Germany
Rago Arts and Auction Center, Lambertville, NJ
Austin Art Projects, Palm Desert, CA
Bender Gallery, Asheville, NC
Galerie W, Prague, Czech Republic
Heller Gallery, New York, NY
Morgan Glass Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA
PIsmo Fine Art Glass, Aspen/Denver/Vail, CO
Schantz Galleries, Stockbridge, MA
Scott Jacobson Gallery, New York, NY
Traver Gallery, Seattle, WA
Wexler Gallery, Philadelphia
Bergstrom-Mahler Museum, Wisconsin
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY
Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA
Museum of Glass, Tacoma, WA