
Thursday January 13, 2011 | by Andrew Page

Help Wanted: New hot glass facility at Chrysler Museum seeks a studio manager

FILED UNDER: Help Wanted, News

A rendering of the glass studio currently under construction at the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia.

The Chrysler Museum of Art is looking to hire a Studio Manager for its soon-to-open glass studio, currently planned to become operational in Fall 2011. The successful applicant will be in charge of studio management and operations, working in close collaboration with the museum’s curators and education personnel. As was reported in the GLASS Quarterly Hot Sheet last October, the studio is designed to complement the museum’s exhibition and educational programs, and also function as a separate draw for visitors.

The museum is looking for someone skilled with studio and budget management, good at networking, and an excellent public speaker. A full list of the responsibilities of the position are enumerated in an email sent to the Hot Sheet by Scott Howe, the Chrysler Museum’s director of education and public programs:

“The Manager will be responsible for ensuring that all equipment is well maintained and serviced, that appropriate supplies are on hand, that proper procedures are in place to ensure the safety of staff, visitors, and of those using the equipment, and that appropriate staff are engaged to supervise Studio programs and operations. The Manager will develop and monitor the Studio’s operating budget. He/she will serve as an ambassador for the Museum and the Studio, actively working to build public excitement about the facility and its programs and to foster collaborative programs with regional schools and universities. As an artist, manager, and educator, the Studio Manager must be not just a skilled administrator and technician, but must have a passion for glass as an artistic medium and a genuine desire to share his/her enthusiasm for the medium with others.”

Interested applicants should email the museum a letter of interest (including salary requirements), a current resume, and professional references to:

Glass: The UrbanGlass Quarterly, a glossy art magazine published four times a year by UrbanGlass has provided a critical context to the most important artwork being done in the medium of glass for more than 40 years.