
Monday November 8, 2010 | by Andrew Page

Seen at SOFA: John Miller’s oversized goblet project is a novel approach to collaboration

FILED UNDER: Exhibition, New Work

John Miller poses with his massive goblets. photo: john miller

John Miller together with top-tier glass artists such as Therman Statom, Stephen Rolfe Powell, and Dante Marioni interpret the goblet by way of their own signature styles. Miller provided the idea and the sense of scale, which, as in most of his work, is gargantuan. The 20 towering goblets that resulted from this project were displayed at the 2010 SOFA CHICAGO in collaboration with Habatat Galleries, where they had been shown in an October exhibition. GLASS Quarterly contributing editor James Yood offered his thoughts on the project during the SOFA show in a video interview that can be seen below.


Glass: The UrbanGlass Quarterly, a glossy art magazine published four times a year by UrbanGlass has provided a critical context to the most important artwork being done in the medium of glass for more than 40 years.