
Thursday September 28, 2023 | by Andrew Page

Paper and resin artist Dolores Furtado creates timeless, ethereal glass works on view in New York

Artist residencies can be welcome opportunities for an artist to pursue their lifelong passions for a material, or they can be game-changing experiences of seeing their ideas jump from one media to another. In the case of Dolores Furtado, it is the latter phenomenon as her richly textured colored forms made from sculpted paper pulp take on a new dimension of live-ness in the light-refracting material of glass which turns her ideas from stolidly opaque to translucent and something else altogether.

PROXYCO, a gallery on Manhattan's Lower East Side, is showing the results of Furtado's year-long residency at UrbanGlass (disclosure: the Hot Sheet is a published by UrbanGlass), in an exhibition entitled "Vestigio" on view through October 28, 2023. The exhibition title references the sense that these objects are difficult to locate in time, with their hazy surfaces suggesting archeological excavation, and their forms primordial.

Some of the works record Furtado's own body as she worked from clay molds. Others are based on the artist's works in paper pulp, which offer a distinctive texture. All of them offer a blend of the rough-hewn and the highly expressive, defying categorization and location in time.


Dolores Furtado: Vestigio
121 Orchard Street
New York, New York
tel: 347 842 6458

Glass: The UrbanGlass Quarterly, a glossy art magazine published four times a year by UrbanGlass has provided a critical context to the most important artwork being done in the medium of glass for more than 40 years.