The Winter 2019 edition of Glass: The UrbanGlass Art Quarterly (#157) is hitting newsstands and subscriber mailboxes this week. On the cover is a new work by Danny Lane from his brand-new "Carved and Cast" series.

In an in-depth conversation with Gabriela Iacovano, Lane discusses his search for "fluid form" as a key to understanding his varied pursuit of glass art and design. Known best for his ingenious ways of stacking cut float glass, Lane has recently been diving into casting glass, and this "jump into molten material" has transformed his practice and his work in remarkable ways.

Artist John Moran, an American currently based in Belgium, is exhibiting his work in a solo museum exhibition in Ebeltoft, Denmark. New Glass contributor Emma Park visiting his provocative and haunting exhibition in which he freely mixes pop-culture and news headlines in works that seek to break viewers out of their complacency in an age of information overload.

Monica Cook is a multi-media artist who seeks to get underneath the skin, literally and metaphorically. She has developed a fascination with glass and her new work features many aspects of the material from transparency to reflectivity. Sarah Lippek explores Cook's love affair with glass as she deftly describes Cook's unique perspective on art and life.

The fifth feature takes a look at a project to bridge the distance between Venice and America, and their respective approaches to glass. Former Pilchuck artistic director Tina Aufiero shares insights into the Autonoma project, initiated by Venetian creative director Marcantonio Brandolini D'Adda, who was so inspired by the energy of Pilchuck that he wanted to import some of that enthusiasm and passion to Murano, where the glass field is dealing with a host of challenges that threaten its survival.
All this, plus five reviews, and all the latest news. Don't miss a single issue. Subscribe today.