
Tuesday March 8, 2011 | by Andrew Page

DIY glass exhibition organizers halfway to $4,000 grassroots fund-raising goal

FILED UNDER: Exhibition, New Work

The organizers of the "Superposition" exhibition planned for June in Seattle have a campaign underway that includes a short film artistic statement.

A trio of recent MFA graduates who work with glass have taken to the Internet to raise a $4,000 budget for their June exhibition, which they plan to run concurrently with the 2011 Glass Art Society conference in Seattle. Organized by Helen Lee (RISD), Alexander Rosenberg (MIT), and Matt Szosz (RISD), the exhibition is to be titled “Superposition,” and will feature a juried selection of approximately 25 significant new works that would otherwise not be seen. On their page, where they have raised just over half of their goal, they state: “Our project has come out of need. We know many amazing artists—some from glass backgrounds and some from other visual media—that make glass-related work we are excited about but has no place to be shown. We think that there is a significant audience for this work if it is given the chance to be seen.”

Though the exhibition is less than three months away, the organizers haven’t yet finalized the space where it will take place. In an email exchange with the GLASS Quarterly Hot Sheet, Rosenberg wrote: “The show space is not yet nailed down. We have several potentials, but no firm commitments yet.” What is more definite is the jurying process during which Jin Hongo, Jocelyne Prince, Michael Scheiner, and Jack Wax (all practicing artists as well as professors of art at the university level) will narrow the more than 200 submissions the organizers received down to 25 that will be displayed.

In the meantime, the group is seeking funds to proceed with their plans, and with 23 days to go in their fund-raising campaign as of March 8th, they had raised $2,233 from 38 backers pledging amounts ranging from $1 to $500. Even donors giving $5 will have their name printed in the planned exhibition catalog, but it will be those offering substantially more that will have their name prominently displayed.

Stay tuned to the Hot Sheet for an update on this project when the jury completes their selection of finalists from the many submissions. In the meantime, visit to view a short film by the organizers explaining their mission and offering a glimpse of the glass projects they endorse.


The “Superposition” exhibition fund-raising site:

The organizer’s Hyperopia Projects page:

Glass: The UrbanGlass Quarterly, a glossy art magazine published four times a year by UrbanGlass has provided a critical context to the most important artwork being done in the medium of glass for more than 40 years.