
Friday October 21, 2011 | by Andrew Page

Call for Entries: European designers sought for new Duvel tulip beer glass competition

FILED UNDER: Award, Call for Submissions

The traditional way of serving Duvel Belgian ale is getting energized through a design competition seeking new graphics applied to the surface of the established tulip glass.

Arne Quinze, the musician named Daan Stuyven, and graphic designer Stefan Glerum are just the latest creatives who have developed new glassware designs for the signature voluptuously curved glass in which Duvel Belgian ale is traditionally served. Founded in 1874, Duvel does not seem interested in altering the established form of their traditional tulip glass but are actively seeking to update the glass through designs applied to the glass surface.

The winning designs of Dutch graphic designer Stefan Glerum reference imagery of Amsterdam. courtesy:

The Duvel design competition, open only to residents of Belgium, the Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom, uses online tools to make it open to a wide range of amateur and professional designers. Designs are uploaded to the Duvel website, where they are voted on by the public. Those receiving the most votes are sent up to a jury of professional designers who will select the winning three. The top prize is to have your design added to the “Duvel Collection,” runners up with receive trips to Paris and very limited runs of glasses with their designs. The competition runs through December 15th, 2011. (H/T to

To participate, you must be a resident of Belgium, the Netherlands, France, or the U.K. Use the official competition Website to submit your design ideas.

Glass: The UrbanGlass Quarterly, a glossy art magazine published four times a year by UrbanGlass has provided a critical context to the most important artwork being done in the medium of glass for more than 40 years.