For our third installment of "The Glass Quarterly Conversation," we present Alex Gabriel Bernstein, who is the subject of an in-depth feature by regular magazine contributor Alexander Castro in the current edition of Glass: The UrbanGlass Art Quarterly (Summer 2021, Glass 163). In conversation with Glass editor Andrew Page, Bernstein shared the story behind his accidental discovery working in his father's studio while home for Christmas from grad school, when showers of steel sparks embedded themselves into a glass surface. Thus was born a technique that would come to be known as "Bernsteining," though its inventor shares all he knows about his technique openly in classes and demos, encouraging others to explore this fusion of glass and steel.
To find out more about Alex Bernstein's story, see the current edition of Glass, the magazine of record for glass art since 1979. Better yet, subscribe today and don't miss a single issue.