Editor's Letter
Andrew Page
The range of techniques featured in this issue--and the sophistication each artist has achieved in his or her individual approach, be it kiln-forming, blowing and hot-working, copper-wheel engraving, or painting on mirrored glass--makes the case that glass as a medium for contemporary art has achieved an astonishing level of maturity.
An artistic friendship celebrated in Paul Marioni and Susan Stinsmuehlen-Amend's Los Angeles exhibit; Dan Graham takes over the Metropolitan Museum's roof in a new collaborative installation; four emerging female artists exhibit work made during Pittsburgh Glass Center rsidencies; Danish artist wins the fourth Coburg Prize celebrating European glass art; Mel Douglas receives major Australian glass prize.
Laura Donefer at the Mary E. Black Gallery in Halifax, Nova Scotia; Lucy Lyon at LewAllen Galleries, Santa Fe; David Spriggs at Art Mur, Montreal; Jennifer Halvorson at the Carlsten Gallery at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, Wisconsin; Norwood Viviano at Heller Gallery, New York; and Richard Jolley at the Knoxville Museum of Art, Knoxville, Tennessee.